The BIOIMAGING virtual lab was created during BioImaging-GR in order to display and disseminate virtual galleries of various medical and biological materials. This virtual lab offers to the user a collection of images generated by several imaging technologies (e.g. electron microscopy,micro-cmputed tomography, confocal microscopy etc.). Furthermore, BIOIMAGING virtual lab is linked with the Micro-CTvlab in which 3D virtual samples are presented and can be interactively displayed and retrieved through a web-based application.
The user needs to be registered in the BIOIMAGINGvlab in order to have the ability to upload images of various imaging technologies. The micro-CT datasets and the relative metadata should be uploaded in the MicroCTvlab. Subsequently, by adding information and images in the micro-CT section in the BIOIMAGINGvlab, the user has the ability to select the relative micro-CT project from the MicroCTvlab and the relative metadata and information are displayed through the Micro-CT API.